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Generate Code From Usage

Generate Code From Usage feature available in every modern IDE enables you to use classes, members, methods, ... before you define them.


  • This minimizes interruption to your workflow
  • You can think about your code as a consumer it is particularly useful when you use TDD
    • It generates new types and members in the source code when you first reference them in your test cases, before they are defined
  • Your IDE is more reliable and create code faster than us, so it will avoid you a lot of mistales


  • How can I be more efficient when using my IDE?
  • How may I avoid mistakes when writing code?

How to

Red stuff appears for undefined identifiers. When you rest the mouse pointer on the identifier, an error message appears in a tooltip.

Depending on your IDE and Operating System shortcuts can differ but you should be able to access options like:

  • Generate property
  • Generate field
  • Generate method
  • Generate class
  • Generate new type (for a class, struct, interface, record, or other data structures)


  • Imagine we want to implement a test like this

Scenario example

  • We can create Hunter type directly from here
    • Go on the red part
    • From Rider contextual we can display available actions
    • You have the same kind of actions in every good IDE

Create Hunter

  • We can then create our methods directly from our tests as well

Create Method


You are authorized to create new code only from usage (from a test or production code)



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