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Software Architecture Document

A SAD is a general purpose document that write down the intended architecture of the software in development.

Goes from a high level detail to a low level ADR list associated with the software. It uses text description and a wide range of visual tools like diagrams, pictures, UML and others to express and communicate the underlying architecture.


A SAD is a very important and helpful knowledge base for a Software development team. It provides insight about how the system is made, how:

  • it works
  • its interfaces
  • its components and all the decisions that were made during its development.

All this knowledge is useful to communicate the architecture, improve, review and fix it.


  • How can I document the Architecture of a Software?
  • How could we explain important aspects of the software that needs explanation?
  • How could we ensure quality of the Software by avoid obscureness of functionality?

How to

Start by using the simplest tool available, to document the Architecture of the Software.


  • Gitlab Wiki: allow diagram-as-code embedded into Markdown
  • Github: allow diagram-as-code embedded into Markdown
  • Plain Markdown

For simplicity, Markdown is very useful and generally available.

Create a Wiki inside the Software repository (or separated if needed).

For Diagrams, use the best fit for you and your team, the main intent being understand and clear communication. MermaidJS is a reasonable good tool for diagraming as code in Markdown.


- Title
- Introduction
- Scope
- Driving Requirements / Non Functional Requirements / Main Features
- Views
- High level Architecture
- Components view
- Modules View
- API specification
- Integration / Deployment View
- Other if Needed
- ADR(s)
- References / Additional Bibliography


  • Start as soon as possible.
  • Always is best to start now.
  • Work on the SAD in a iterative and incremental manner.
  • Always update the SAD when a change is made.

Keep it Simple: avoid long text descriptions, make visual explanation instead.



Graph View